Wednesday 2 February 2011

Why do people strive with every fiber of their being, allow heated anger and hate to take over so completely, to destroy someone else they supposedly love? A more pressing question perhaps is how they could love each other after. If you love someone you don't break them down, you don't play one up and always fight for dominance, you just fucking live. You try your damn best to squeeze some happiness out of however much time you've been given. People dislike and write off how I ignore negatives and anger and confrontation but If they knew half the shit I've seen they'd understand why I long for perfection, and strive to whitewash over it all and not just give into being bitter and angry about whats happened to me. I just want to try and bring something good. But it's not that easy as I'm discovering.. because I'm cursed with the same affliction and I'm susceptible to those shitty hellish flares of anger and emotion too, and I find it waaaay too easy to exercise what I've learned on others. Fuck I don't have the words right now, all I can say is this sucks. Oh and that I want out of here.